Tuesday, December 29, 2015


My name is Aaron Baker.

That is the least controversial thing that I will say. I'm 100% certain on the name thing. I'm also 100% certain that there is a God, and that this God created the universe, and that there was a moment in history where humanity fell from God's grace, and that in order to attain the grace of God again our Creator sent His Son (who is somehow also Him) as a sacrifice for our transgressions, and that by accepting His Son (Jesus/Yeshua) as the Lord/Savior (read "King" because in order to have someone be your lord, you have to follow their dictates and live in reverence of them) you can be back in the grace of God, and your soul will live for eternity in the presence of God. I am also willing to accept that even though I'm 100% certain of that part there will be many people who won't agree with me on that one. But, if you're one of those people who disagree with that second statement (which happens to be an extremely long run on sentence), I am here to tell you that the first part is definitely true. My name is Aaron Baker.

So what else is there to talk about?

The world is our oyster. Speaking of oysters, we can talk about dietary laws and if Christians should be following them. What else is there? Bigfoot? The Loch Ness Monster? The Trinity? Christmas? Easter? Nephilim? Fallen Angels? Joel Osteen? Grace? Signs and Wonders? Prophecy? The answer to all of these are a resounding YES!

You name it, we're going to talk about it.

Let the adventure begin...