Using Your Time
For God: Day Four
(Psalms 57:8, Psalms 63:1, Psalms 59:16)
Today’s devotional suggested creating a schedule for the week and seeing how much time can be redeemed. I, of course, have my work schedule but how much of my time to I plan for when the time is actually not spent working for someone else? How much more could I accomplish throughout each day if I had a schedule to follow?
Truth is, I could probably get a lot more accomplished if I had time planned out for specific things. Firstly, it would force me to work on things smarter. If you only have an hour to accomplish something, you find a way to get that thing done in an hour, when you may have normally pushed that out to two hours. Secondly, when you plan out the day, you think of more things you want to get done than when you just live minute to minute. Redeem the time before it falls away.
If we can spend our free time educating ourselves in some way, we will be the better person for it. Yeah, it is fun from time to time to relax and do absolutely nothing, but do we need to do that with all of our free time?
Awake, my glory; awake, harp and lyre. I will awake at dawn.
-Psalm 57:8
One of the best times to be able to redeem is the early morning. Since so few people wake up early, there’s so much more you can accomplish by being awake when no one else is. Think of all the things you need to do in solitude. Now, what better time to do them than when no one else is even awake…
O God, you are my God; I will seek you diligently. My soul thirsts for you; my flesh longs for you as in a dry and weary land without water.
-Psalm 63:1
What better way to start out the day than by seeking God? No one else is around, so why not use this time to find the face of Yahweh. If we can wake up to His refreshing Living Water, how much more alive will be be…
But as for me, I will sing of Your strength, and I will hail your loyal love in the morning, because you have been my high stronghold and a refuge in my time of trouble.
-Psalm 59:16
Use your time wisely. Let yourself dwell in the stronghold of God. Life won’t always be easy – in fact, we’re told that it won’t be because we are being purified through tribulation – but if we rest against the upright God we will make it through to the other side. So, redeem the time we have to prepare for the times when we’ll feel like we have no time. Be prepared.
(Psalms 57:8, Psalms 63:1, Psalms 59:16)
Today’s devotional suggested creating a schedule for the week and seeing how much time can be redeemed. I, of course, have my work schedule but how much of my time to I plan for when the time is actually not spent working for someone else? How much more could I accomplish throughout each day if I had a schedule to follow?
Truth is, I could probably get a lot more accomplished if I had time planned out for specific things. Firstly, it would force me to work on things smarter. If you only have an hour to accomplish something, you find a way to get that thing done in an hour, when you may have normally pushed that out to two hours. Secondly, when you plan out the day, you think of more things you want to get done than when you just live minute to minute. Redeem the time before it falls away.
If we can spend our free time educating ourselves in some way, we will be the better person for it. Yeah, it is fun from time to time to relax and do absolutely nothing, but do we need to do that with all of our free time?
Awake, my glory; awake, harp and lyre. I will awake at dawn.
-Psalm 57:8
One of the best times to be able to redeem is the early morning. Since so few people wake up early, there’s so much more you can accomplish by being awake when no one else is. Think of all the things you need to do in solitude. Now, what better time to do them than when no one else is even awake…
O God, you are my God; I will seek you diligently. My soul thirsts for you; my flesh longs for you as in a dry and weary land without water.
-Psalm 63:1
What better way to start out the day than by seeking God? No one else is around, so why not use this time to find the face of Yahweh. If we can wake up to His refreshing Living Water, how much more alive will be be…
But as for me, I will sing of Your strength, and I will hail your loyal love in the morning, because you have been my high stronghold and a refuge in my time of trouble.
-Psalm 59:16
Use your time wisely. Let yourself dwell in the stronghold of God. Life won’t always be easy – in fact, we’re told that it won’t be because we are being purified through tribulation – but if we rest against the upright God we will make it through to the other side. So, redeem the time we have to prepare for the times when we’ll feel like we have no time. Be prepared.