Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Habakkuk’s Journey:
Day 4
(Habakkuk 2, Matthew 25:24-26)
Be Vigilant
It’s important that, as we wait for the God to answer our prayers, we don’t just sit there and wait. Habakkuk not only waited on God but he also continued to be that watchman on the wall. This was his duty and he didn’t stop doing his job just because he was waiting on God’s answer. He continued on in faith, knowing that the answer would come.
Be Patient
One of the things that is hard for us to understand (or even want to acknowledge) is that patience is extremely important. Oftentimes we view being patient as sitting around and doing nothing. We’re waiting for something to happen while doing nothing. And, if you’re looking at things with our natural eyes, this is exactly what it looks like. But, if God were to open our eyes to the supernatural all around us (like He did for Elisha’s servant – 2 Kings 6) we would see that while we’re being patient and doing nothing, God is the one who is acting. While we’re busying ourselves with waiting, we’re waiting because our Heavenly Father is moving mountains so that the answer we’re waiting for will be ready in perfection. It kind of puts a new slant on being patient, doesn’t it?
I’ve always viewed being patient as an act of doing nothing. But what great act could we make than letting the Creator of heaven and earth do His thing? This is the most powerful thing that we can ‘do’. Patience is so much more than a virtue, it’s our defining act of submission, faith and power.
Be Empathetic
It is important for us to do our best to try to see the world the way God sees the world. Over the past few days I’ve talked about how we should view sin as affront to God, just as God sees it. We should be outraged by its pervasiveness and not just accept it as a part of culture. But we also should be able to pity the powerful for their greatness which was gained by their sin. Over the short term (and “short” to God can mean something totally different than it means to us) you can gain a lot of prestige and power through sinful practices, and you can revel in that power by wallowing in even more iniquity. But, in the end, you will have your ‘day in court’ with God. Whether your downfall is on this earth or above in heaven, we will all sit in front of the judgment seat of Christ. Pray that your judgment is while you live, and you take the chance to turn from your wicked ways. We all “get ours” so pity those who persecute us and pray for them earnestly.
Be Positive
Don’t get discouraged as you wait for God to answer your prayers. It’s easy for us to give lip service to the adage that God’s ways are better than our ways and His timing is better than our timing, but we need to truly believe it. If we truly trust that this is the case, we can continue our waiting in happiness, knowing that when the answer comes, God will have been moving everything around us to make us ready for the best possible outcome. Continue on with a smile on your face because your Heavenly Father is at work. Don’t move forward in fear and agitation (or, worse yet, fearful to move at all). We have our jobs which we’ve been given, try to have gained as much with what you’ve been given while you wait for your answer (Matthew 25:24-26).
Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring out your wrath and also making them drunk in order to see their nakedness! You will be sated with shame rather than glory. Drink also yourself, and expose yourself! The cup of the right hand of Yahweh will come around upon you and disgrace upon your glory.
-Habakkuk 2:15-16
(Habakkuk 2, Matthew 25:24-26)
Be Vigilant
It’s important that, as we wait for the God to answer our prayers, we don’t just sit there and wait. Habakkuk not only waited on God but he also continued to be that watchman on the wall. This was his duty and he didn’t stop doing his job just because he was waiting on God’s answer. He continued on in faith, knowing that the answer would come.
Be Patient
One of the things that is hard for us to understand (or even want to acknowledge) is that patience is extremely important. Oftentimes we view being patient as sitting around and doing nothing. We’re waiting for something to happen while doing nothing. And, if you’re looking at things with our natural eyes, this is exactly what it looks like. But, if God were to open our eyes to the supernatural all around us (like He did for Elisha’s servant – 2 Kings 6) we would see that while we’re being patient and doing nothing, God is the one who is acting. While we’re busying ourselves with waiting, we’re waiting because our Heavenly Father is moving mountains so that the answer we’re waiting for will be ready in perfection. It kind of puts a new slant on being patient, doesn’t it?
I’ve always viewed being patient as an act of doing nothing. But what great act could we make than letting the Creator of heaven and earth do His thing? This is the most powerful thing that we can ‘do’. Patience is so much more than a virtue, it’s our defining act of submission, faith and power.
Be Empathetic
It is important for us to do our best to try to see the world the way God sees the world. Over the past few days I’ve talked about how we should view sin as affront to God, just as God sees it. We should be outraged by its pervasiveness and not just accept it as a part of culture. But we also should be able to pity the powerful for their greatness which was gained by their sin. Over the short term (and “short” to God can mean something totally different than it means to us) you can gain a lot of prestige and power through sinful practices, and you can revel in that power by wallowing in even more iniquity. But, in the end, you will have your ‘day in court’ with God. Whether your downfall is on this earth or above in heaven, we will all sit in front of the judgment seat of Christ. Pray that your judgment is while you live, and you take the chance to turn from your wicked ways. We all “get ours” so pity those who persecute us and pray for them earnestly.
Be Positive
Don’t get discouraged as you wait for God to answer your prayers. It’s easy for us to give lip service to the adage that God’s ways are better than our ways and His timing is better than our timing, but we need to truly believe it. If we truly trust that this is the case, we can continue our waiting in happiness, knowing that when the answer comes, God will have been moving everything around us to make us ready for the best possible outcome. Continue on with a smile on your face because your Heavenly Father is at work. Don’t move forward in fear and agitation (or, worse yet, fearful to move at all). We have our jobs which we’ve been given, try to have gained as much with what you’ve been given while you wait for your answer (Matthew 25:24-26).
Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring out your wrath and also making them drunk in order to see their nakedness! You will be sated with shame rather than glory. Drink also yourself, and expose yourself! The cup of the right hand of Yahweh will come around upon you and disgrace upon your glory.
-Habakkuk 2:15-16