This is actually a harder one to write than I expected. I’m writing this opening at a time that I’m trying to think of exactly what to write elsewhere in this post. This is just one day on the calendar but there is SO much to talk about, and it’s really more than just one day when all is said and done. Ok, I’m going to go back to trying to get this written. Whatever comes of it is what you’re about to read. I hope it does justice to what is the most amazing of days!
Recommended Scripture Reading: Leviticus 16; Leviticus 23:26-32; Leviticus 25:1-55; Numbers 29:7-11; Isaiah 58:1-11; Isaiah 61; Ezekiel 46:17; Jonah (this book is all about repentance, on both sides); Luke 4:17-19;Hebrews (when read in context the whole book is really about Yom Kippur but let’s try to stick to chapters 7-10)
Yom Kippur –
First and foremost we should probably go over just what “Yom Kippur” means. Yom
Kippur is the “Day of Atonement”, or the “Day of Covering”. To go even more
in-depth, it’s actually plural so it’s the Day of Atonements, but we’ll just
focus on the less in-depth today, since I’m pretty sure this is going to be a
fairly huge topic, and I’m only barely going to go into each part of the topic.
Suffice it to say, there’s going to be a lot of stuff for you to search out
yourself! Before we get started, let’s just read over the primary Scripture for
Yom Kippur.
the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Also the tenth day of this seventh month
shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you
shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. And
you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement, to make
atonement for you before the LORD your God. For any person who is not afflicted
in should on that same day shall be cut off from his people. And any person who
des any work on that same day, that person I will destroy from among his
people. You shall do no manner of work; it shall be a statute forever
throughout your generations in all your dwellings. It shall be to you a sabbath
of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls on the ninth day of the month
at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your sabbath.
Is there any doubt that a day which is meant to be for the
atonement of the people is going to be important? It’s been said before that
Passover is meant to be about personal sin but Yom Kippur is about the sin of
the nation. And, while it is most
definitely about sin, it’s about something much more than that. Not only is Yom Kippur about sin, it’s about
the deliverance from that sin. It’s
about God setting you free from the bondage you’ve unknowingly attached
yourself to.
Passover, again similarly, is the celebration of the deliverance from the bondage of the oppression that you can see. The Israelites knew the Egyptians were their taskmasters. God supernaturally freed them from their bondage on Passover and, so long as they obeyed the Torah they would be able to live in the land in freedom.
But what about the sin that you don’t know you commit? What about when you disobey the Instructions unknowingly, or you cause someone else to do so? This is one of the things Yom Kippur is for. That is an extreme oversimplification of Yom Kippur but it gets across the general idea that we are dirty. We were born into sin. You’ll sometimes hear people say that it’s impossible to “keep the Law” and while this, too, is an oversimplification of some cherry picked verses, the truth is that not everyone will keep all of the Law. And if there was someone who was within the camp that had sinned, even unknowingly, it dirtied the entire camp of Israel. It’s because of this that Yom Kippur was put into place. But let’s look deeper. Beginning with the start of the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar (Elul) until Yom Kippur (40 days) it is customary to seek God’s face and repent (perform teshuvah) of any sin which is brought to your mind. Two things to keep in mind:
Passover, again similarly, is the celebration of the deliverance from the bondage of the oppression that you can see. The Israelites knew the Egyptians were their taskmasters. God supernaturally freed them from their bondage on Passover and, so long as they obeyed the Torah they would be able to live in the land in freedom.
But what about the sin that you don’t know you commit? What about when you disobey the Instructions unknowingly, or you cause someone else to do so? This is one of the things Yom Kippur is for. That is an extreme oversimplification of Yom Kippur but it gets across the general idea that we are dirty. We were born into sin. You’ll sometimes hear people say that it’s impossible to “keep the Law” and while this, too, is an oversimplification of some cherry picked verses, the truth is that not everyone will keep all of the Law. And if there was someone who was within the camp that had sinned, even unknowingly, it dirtied the entire camp of Israel. It’s because of this that Yom Kippur was put into place. But let’s look deeper. Beginning with the start of the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar (Elul) until Yom Kippur (40 days) it is customary to seek God’s face and repent (perform teshuvah) of any sin which is brought to your mind. Two things to keep in mind:
Repentance is not, nor will it every be, just
saying that you’re sorry. Repentance is looking at what you’ve done and seeing
how you’ve gone against what God wants from you and turning from it to not do
that thing again. The turning away is more important than the words. Today we
sometimes think that we can apologize for things done wrong and then everything
is fine but if your words aren’t followed up by actions then did you really
mean it. If you’re married and your partner does something which they know that
you can’t stand. They then apologize but they go on to do the same thing that
very same day, do you think that they really meant their apology, or were they
just saying it because they didn’t like they way you were looking at them?
This whole thing starts 40 days earlier, at the
beginning of Elul, but once Rosh HaShanah hits it really kicks into high gear.
The last ten days are traditionally called the 10 Days of Awe. Every day we try
to dig deeper. Every day we ask God to bring to our attention anything we need
to turn away from. By the time you get
all the way up to that last day (and you’re fasting on that last day, too) you
should be in a place of total obedience. No matter how passionate I’ve ever
started out each year, over time I’ve always let that passion slip away without
even knowing it. It’s good to have this time each year to reflect and to
resubmit to the will of the Father.
As I mentioned in that second point on Yom Kippur we make it a practice to not eat, and to afflict our souls. Fasting is a long-held spiritual tradition. One of the cool things that I’ve learned in recent years is that there’s now science behind why fasting leads to spiritual insight. Growing up I was always just led to believe that fasting is done so that, by withholding physical sustenance from yourself, you were forced to rely on the sustenance from God. While this is certainly a good idea, and even true, there’s actually a chemical reaction which takes place in your body when you’re denying yourself sustenance. There’s a chemical that our bodies create naturally called DMT (although, recently there are those in the more new-agey parts of society who are taking this stuff artificially to get the spiritual high that comes along with it.) When taken artificially this chemical has been known to open your senses up to ‘other dimensions’. The way that this relates to fasting is that our bodies don’t normally store up that much DMT because there’s another chemical our bodies produce during the digestive process which nullifies DMT. So, if you’re not eating, and therefore not digesting, the DMT that your bodies naturally produce is free to build up and give you more intense spiritual insights. There’s a lot more to this whole thing and I would advise people to not enter into physical research of DMT unless through prayer and fasting, but that’s the science of it all.
So now you have an idea why fasting does what it does, but the bigger point is that we’re supposed to be trying to fast and get to that place of spiritual discernment because we want to better understand what God has for us. But the big question is why is this day so important, right?
Let’s look a little deeper at what was actually done on Yom Kippur when there was still a Temple around. This is, to my knowledge, the only time in the Bible that an entire chapter is given over to the specifics of how the priests should perform the Temple service for just one specific day. Like I said before, this is an important day! Leviticus 16 spells it all out.
We’ll just do a quick overview to highlight the importance and holiness of this day. I want to add, before we start into this, that this is by no means a thorough list of everything that needed to be done and there will probably be some who are offended by my attempt to “dumb down” the things that happen on this day. I’m by no means trying to belittle the events of the day; I’m just trying to express the significance of the day in a way which is easy to take in. I apologize to you if you’re offended by the quick overview of the description of the events of the day. First the High Priest would procure a young bull and a ram as a sin offering and a burnt offering. This is to cover the sins of the High Priest so he’s even able to enter into the Holy Place in the Temple. Then, even though he had to bathe thoroughly in the corridors below the temple to make himself clean earlier that morning he has to bathe again and put on different clothes which are only used this one time each year so that he has on the right vestments. Now he sacrifices the bull which was mentioned earlier to make himself ready to go into the presence of the Most High. He then brings two young goats to the entrance of the Temple so YHWH can see them and he casts lots for them. One of them would get the lot to be sacrificed to the LORD and the other would get the lot of the “scapegoat”. There’s a whole BIG teaching which could be looked at here concerning what the scapegoat is and what the word used for the scapegoat is, but I want to be able to have this posted before we actually get to the Day of Atonement, so I’m going to leave that to the reader to search out. The part of the goat sacrifice that we need to go over is this: The goat who’s lot fell to YHWH would be sacrificed for the sins of all of the people of Israel and the goat who’s lot it was to be the scapegoat would be presented alive to YHWH to make atonement for it by setting it free to go out into the wilderness. One would die so that the other might live. At this point there’s more to be done with the blood of the goat, and the blood of the bull that was sacrificed. This is also the point which the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies. This only happened this one day each year. It was in the Holy of Holies that God’s presence resided, and this was the only time throughout the year that anyone was allowed to enter it. The High Priest would perform specific functions laid out in Leviticus 16 – and those functions only! – and then he would come out and finish the rest of the priestly duties for the day, and then he had to change out of the Yom Kippur clothing, bathe, and then change back into the priestly clothing he started the day with. Then there’s going to be a burnt offering for the people so that the sins of the people will go up in smoke on the alter. Then the ‘scapegoat’ is given to a priest who will actually lead the goat out to the wild (there are later traditions attached to this but this is what was first prescribed).
As I said earlier, this is just a brief overview and there’s more to this all, but I wanted to give a quick rundown of the pomp that is attached to this day.
We’re next going to go into another function of Yom Kippur which may run a bit long so we’ll stop here for now. I’m really not sure how much I’m going to go into about Jubilee years so I want to get this Yom Kippur post out a couple days ahead of the day so you guys can look into it before it happens. I’ll probably have the Jubilee post up on the actual day. I think you’ll find that looking into the Jubilee is one of the most important studies you can enter into. But let’s leave that for the weekend…
I hope that everyone has been at least a little blessed by some of the information presented here.
Shalom, everyone!