Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Psalms 3: Save me, O My God

Sometimes, even when you are doing your best to live your life resting in the joy of the LORD, it feels like every step you take is aimed right at a landmine. Every time you make a move Murphy’s Law takes over and you’ve undone all the good you’ve done in the past three weeks. And it feels like you have so many people who are out to get you that even when someone is trying to help you, it feels like they’re trying to bring you down.

If you’ve ever felt like that (and I know you have), you’re not alone. David wasn’t perfect but for someone who was publicly chosen by God, that dude sure had to deal with more time running and hiding than anyone else, ever. But, through all that, David never doubted God, and he never let himself lose his love for the Word of the LORD.

Let’s look at this third psalm in a little different way than we did the first two; Let’s look at it and watch as David allows himself to go to the Father with his griefs, concerns and praises. Let’s put ourselves in David’s shoes and let’s see if there’s something we can learn from this man after God’s own heart. We’ll use the New Living Translation because of fluidity of language.

A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.
1Lord, I have so many enemies;
so many are against me.

There are times that it feels like everyone is out to get you. When you have no one to trust, and when you find someone you think you can trust they turn on you in ways you never could’ve seen coming.
2 So many are saying,
“God will never rescue him!”
Has it ever gotten so bad that those around you don’t even believe that God can help you? Or, that it at least looks like He’s not going to help you because you must’ve brought it on yourself for it to have gotten as bad as it has?

We’ve all been there, but no one likes to remember those times. Not because we don’t want to be of help to those who are struggling and could use our experienced advice, but because we just don’t want to remember those times.

But you, O Lord, are a shield around me;
you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
This is the first time we get to look at David and see something bigger than what we would usually see from those around us or ourselves. When the bullets start flying, sometimes we stay the course, but a lot of the times we get all in-the-flesh. A lot of times we shake our fist in the general direction of whoever we view as coming against us. And sometimes we shake our fists at God. But not David.

4 I cried out to the Lord,
and he answered me from his holy mountain.
This is something most of us can associate with. Well, at least the first part is. I can’t begin to tell you just how many times, when things have gotten really bad, I literally cried out to the LORD. I won’t say that He never answered me. I definitely feel that I’ve gotten some answers/solace from the Father. But… I wish I could say that this is how I react every time, or even more often than not.

I lay down and slept,
yet I woke up in safety,
for the Lord was watching over me.
Ahhh… that feeling of peace! That gift we are given at the most unexpected time. At the last time you think it’s coming, Abba Father answers your cries. You get that rest you were sure you would never see again. And you wake up and you know that a tide has turned.

I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies
who surround me on every side.
These are the words of a man who has more than blind faith. This man KNOWS! Just at the beginning of this psalm (for real, it was only like 5 or 6 verses ago…) David was lamenting his lot. Don’t ever let anyone make fun of you for flip-flopping, just make sure you turn it around as quick as David. This is a huge message for me. Don’t dwell on the obstacles put in your way; keep your eyes on the finish line and the one who has your back.

Arise, O Lord!
Rescue me, my God!
Slap all my enemies in the face!
Shatter the teeth of the wicked!
OK, so now you get a more clear picture of what’s going on. David isn’t denying the reality of what’s going on around him. And he isn’t saying that he’s out of the woods. He just knows that his Father in heaven is the one who made the woods he’s in so what can his enemies really do to him. After all, God always has homefield advantage!

Victory comes from you, O Lord.
May you bless your people.

Don’t ever forget where your victory comes from. Don’t ever forget where your wealth comes from. We can try to out think and out work those around us, but I can tell you this much, if I have all the time in the world to make my plans and I don’t let God in on it, I’m gonna fail every time.

Like I said at the beginning, this one was a little different than the first few. Sometimes you gotta switch it up and be a little less predictable. That’ what I hear, at least…

In any case, I hope that you enjoyed this one. I hope that you found this reassuring, or maybe troubling. Really, I just hope that it strummed the heart string that the Lord wanted strummed.


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